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Closing Announcement

Store date: 1 November 2007

This is the text of the e-mail that went out to our customer base the morning after the Josh Ritter Halloween show in 2007. I wrote it a couple of days prior to that day, filling in the Josh stuff that morning. (Click on the image twice – it gets bigger and you can read it with ease.)

Closing Letter 110107

Cecilia Bartoli “Chant d’Amour” coupon

Store date: 15 October 1996

This is the photocopying master of a coupon for Cecilia Bartoli’s Chant d’Amour CD. A lovely classical recital that our core classical patrons needed little coaxing to buy – but they surely enjoyed the price break, and it could have induced some wafflers and rockers to give it a shot. That was the hope, I imagine.

Cecilia Bartoli_Chant dAmour_coupon

The Key

Store date: post-longbox years

CD key

Looks like an integral part of a torture device? Or a particularly insensitive massage tool? Maybe, but No.

After the elimination of the CD longbox, we threw a whole bunch of money at the purchase of hundreds of permanent clear plastic compact disc “keepers” that retained the shape of the longbox, but required no re-fitting of our custom-built storage and display fixtures. This orange thing was the key that opened each of those keepers.

High Noon in-store flyer

Store date: 20 March 1997

flyer front

Our 8½-inch by 11-inch master for a two-sided flyer and bag-stuffer advertising an in-store musical appearance by the neo-country trio High Noon. Sometimes we got corny. I think our customers liked the levity.

flyer back

High Noon was touring, promoting their then-new album Stranger Things, on Watermelon Records.

High Noon_Stranger Things_cover

[ I would like to add that it has been over 18 years now since this event took place, and I just automatically remembered – without even pausing to think about it – that this CD was issued by Watermelon Records. I could probably use that space in my brain for some new useful information!]

Bag-stuffer Rec’s: How I Got Hooked (Fred)

Store date: early 1996

For a brief time, we thought to add a personal touch to customers’ experience at the store by sending them home with a note included in their bag with their purchases. Our business was built and thrived upon making musical recommendations, so we used this forum to do just that. This was the first of these bag-stuffers, written by me (Fred).

Fred_How I Got Hooked_RESIZED